Reiki Testimonials

Dear Students,

I invite you to share your Reiki Testimonial in the comments section below. You can share about your Reiki attunement experience or your thoughts about the Reiki training you received or your Reiki self-healing experience or your feedback about the Reiki course or anything that you find worth sharing. I look forward to hear from you,

With Love and Light,

Mrs Anjani

Reiki Grand Master


1 thought on “Reiki Testimonials

  1. Its been a wonderful experience of attunement last evening beyond words. I felt a sense of heaviness all through the process and for an hour or two after the process. Later the feeling was more calm and peaceful. By night I was feeling as if something has relaxed in me. And then I decided the first thing I’ll be doing in the morning is do reiki.
    I woke up late n couldn’t do reiki add I fell short of time running errands. But to my surprise, I was feeling very frustrated with no particular reason. By noon I thought reiki might help me. But in vain. I did reiki for 15 mins. It’s 3pm now and I’m still feeling an unusual sense of irritation and feel like yelling at anyone and everyone. I’m not sure if this happens for a day or two after attunement or is it just a passing feeling.

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