Reiki First Degree Class in Mira Road

Learn Reiki to develop your own natural healing abilities.

We are having an open for all Reiki Level 1 Training in Mira Road – the gentle laying of hands,  on 22nd November from 2 pm to 6 pm. If you miss this call me for next date or schedule a private class for yourself or your family.

We have informed past students in Mira Road but inform your near and dear ones fast as there are only 3 seats left so rush so that they can take advantage of this course. I know this has been on a short notice for some but we will our next course in Mira Road in December.

I am having only 1 open Reiki course in Mira Road now many people prefer individual training in the comfort of their home especially if other members of the family are keen to learn together or they want to discuss personal goals while learning. But surely we will have at least 1 open for all course.

If you are a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner and you would like to join us for a refresher session, do get in touch with me. Reiki is the most simple and efficient form of natural healing.

Reiki is an amazing tool for self-healing. Once you learn Reiki, you can use if life long!

Peace & Abundance,


Mrs Anjani
Reiki Grand Master

4 thoughts on “Reiki First Degree Class in Mira Road

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